What an unbelievable sunny day! We just got home from a celebration at our church. It was a "Spring Sing" event that was a fundraiser for our youth that will travel this summer to their national youth gathering. What a gifted group of talents given from our amazing God! Christian sang, as well as the praise bands, choirs & even our two pastors singing & dancing to the "Blues Brothers"! As I went through the photos I had taken earlier in the day, I saw the cross with the following quote written on it....."When I stand before God at the end of my life I would have not a single talent left and could say 'I used everything you gave me' - Erma Bombeck.
Peaking behind all my vintage ribbons is the inspirational cross!

Behind all the ribbons is this vintage painting from the 60's that I purchased many years ago at an antique store in Perham! You'll also see the my latest $1.00 ebay purchase!